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Looking for help or resources? Visit BC211 at the following link http://www.bc211.ca

is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. Our help line services include 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS), the Problem Gambling Help Line, VictimLink BC, and the Youth Against Violence Line.

Want to sign-up for Community Update emails? Enter your email address HERE to start receiving the updates we post below directly to your inbox!

What is The Social Planning Council?


o Monthly Meetings: Attend meetings with guest speakers from within the community &/or presentations at each meeting. We currently meet the fourth Monday of every month (excluding summer) at City Hall with light lunch by donation.

o Facebook & Email Group: Utilize the network on Facebook. Start discussions, learn about & share upcoming community events, projects and meetings. If you don’t use Facebook, then join the email network instead.

o Inform City Council: The SPC provides reports to City Council regularly and the City keeps the SPC informed. Use the network and have your voices heard.

Strategic Direction of the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake & Area:

o Poverty Reduction and the local Living Wage Campaign.

o Community Collaboration and Networking.

o Retention and Succession of residents within the Area.

Community Social Planning:

o Supports communities in building an integrated approach to complex problems that take into account social, economic, and environmental concerns.

o Maximizes the effectiveness of often scarce resources by working to reduce duplication, overlap and competition.

o Provides an ongoing forum for communication, coordination and conflict resolution.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

SPC Monthly Mins (draft) - Oct 24, 2016

SPC Monthly Meeting Minutes (draft)
Oct 24, 2016 - 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Location: 51 North 4th Ave Lunch by donation
In Attendance (from sign-in sheet): Shannon Thom, Ashlee Hyde, Jessica Dunn, Diane Wright, Jay Goddard,  Larry Stranberg, George Atamanenko, Bruce Mack, Kathie Vilkas

Accept Minutes & Agenda 11:30 am
During lunch we:

·   Reviewed meeting minutes from Sept 26, 2016
Motion to adopt minutes as presented - MFSC

·   Review meeting agenda for Oct 24, 2016

Add item: UN Roundtable for Sustainable Development
Motion to accept agenda as amended - MFSC

Meet & Greet with Q&A
With Milo MacDonald, new CAO at the City of Williams Lake. Milo was unable to attend today's meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. We will try to reschedule this Meet and Greet asap.

UN Roundtable for Sustainable Development event Nov 2
Event taking place on Nov 2 at TRU - Bruce Mack and Jessica Dunn are planning to attend this event. Jessica will also include more information via Community Updates (see what was sent out Oct 28th below):

From the Oct 28 Community Update:
"The BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) warmly invites you to attend the BC 2030 Meeting on November 2nd in Williams lake. The meeting will discuss how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) link to the work going on in your community and the opportunities that the SDGs present for political engagement.

In April and May, BCCIC visited communities throughout Northern BC (Williams Lake) to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals, how they relate to the work of local organizations, and what opportunities they present. The information we gathered has been transformed into an online map and summary report "The Invisible Mosaic" which reveals the incredible work being done by groups throughout BC and shares their own recommendations for how the SDGs can be used to strengthen their efforts and make BC a leader in sustainable development both at home and abroad. We're now returning to communities to share what we learned including the opportunities identified and we look forward to meeting with you to discuss how we can take advantage of the SDGs and move our work forward.

One of the main opportunities that participants identified in the SDG framework was the potential for greater political engagement and more support from all tiers of government. In order to take advantage of this opportunity participants recommended more advocacy around the SDGs including educating and engaging with local MLAs and MPs and generating more political awareness and buy-in around them. Building on these recommendations, the upcoming BC 2030 Meeting will discuss the potential for holding a non-partisan candidate meeting in Terrace during the upcoming provincial elections and will look at what topics or questions candidates could respond to.

As a member of the Northern BC sustainable development community we would very much appreciate your participation in the BC 2030 Meeting happening in Williams Lake on Tuesday, November 2nd from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Thompson River University, room 1251. The BC 2030 meeting will last two hours, with refreshments provided, and will cover:

  • The key findings from the SDG roundtable meetings held over the past year.
  • BC 2030 - The idea of a non-partisan political campaign to generate support for the SDGs and the groups working on them across BC.
  • The possibility of holding a non-partisan all candidates meeting in Terrace and the local SDG related topics and questions that candidates could respond to. 
We expect this meeting to be an opportunity for rich dialogue among attendees representing some of the most innovative and socially engaged organizations in the region.
Please RSVP to: dan@bccic.ca or milena.intern@bccic.ca and feel free to forward this email to groups who may be interested.  

All the best and we look forward to meeting with you!

Dan Harris, Program Officer
BC Council for International Cooperation
550- 425 Carrall St, Vancouver BC, V6B 6E3
t 604-899-4475 w bccic.ca Twitter: @BCCIC

P.S. If you would like to learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals please request the available report and visit these links:

AGM  & Community Collaboration Workshop
Mark your calendars for the upcoming AGM of the Social Planning Council. We have an exciting workshop being offered that day by the Canadian Cancer Society on effective collaboration. AGM business will take place from 10:45 am - 11:30 am (before the workshop begins).

Williams Lake Community Collaboration Workshop - "Walking the Talk"

Want to learn how to collaborate more effectively? BC Cancer Agency and the Canadian Cancer Society are teaming up to offer a FREE Collaboration Workshop in your community!

Participants will walk away with a better understanding of when to collaborate, what is required for successful collaboration, new tools to support partnerships, and ideas for collaboration in their own community.

When: November 4th, 11:30 – 2 pm - Lunch provided
Where: Pioneer Complex (exact room TBA)
Who: Local government, service providers, non-government organizations, and anyone interested in learning more about effective collaboration.
RSVP: By Oct 27, 2016. Space is limited.
Register online at the link below:


For more information on the workshop itself please call Nancy Shelford at 250-645-2368 or contact the SPC by email at spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or call (1)-250-243-2126.

Discussions that took place about collaboration:

Collaboration, and communications is so important (e.g. not many people knew about the UN workshop). Preventing duplication of work is also addressed.

It is a challenge for all organizations to continue to update other organizations. They are stretched for resources.

The Social Development Manager position at the City of Williams Lake used to play this role (by bringing all the silos together).

The SPC and Communities that Care table are great examples of groups that do reach multiple organizations on a regular basis. The SPC updates sent to the network are very helpful.

Refugee Sponsorship Group - Sharon Taylor
Two refugee families from Sierra Leone are coming to Williams Lake (note: airfare is not covered by the Govt, and at a cost of over $7000 for the entire family there will is need for donations). The families are also in need of winter parkas, and warm clothes (women's small and medium sizes). Volunteers are needed to help the families adjust (e.g. grocery shopping).

For more information, or to get involved please contact Sharon Taylor or Paola Konge (President - WLRSG) at marasister@hotmail.com

Roundtable Updates
Shannon Thom -WLES received funding for another round of Targeted initiative for older workers program to start in January (55plus). Skills link application deadline was extended and they will hear back shortly (job search employability skills for youth 16 - 29). This is a three year federal program.

Ashlee Hyde - United Way's application for funding open Dec 1 - until Jan 31, 2016. Funding workshop took place last week.  New system - one focus area and two outcomes they fit best within in. The youth grant application process (separate) will also be taking place in December. Campaigning for funds is going well (mostly begins in November). People can donate funds themselves as well (not only through workplace deductions). Day of Caring project - organizations can apply for these as well (e.g. Jubilee House project).

Carla Bullinger - Communities That Cares - November Community Meeting to discuss the final profile (that is almost complete now). Invitations will be coming shortly. They have seen some significant positive shifts in certain areas, and this session will be an opportunity to share ideas.

Carla cont': CCPL - The "fall program" (families as learning leaders) over the past year. Some key things learned (the relationship between parents and children was the main foundation for success). The relationship piece is the foundation (supersedes anything else).

Jay Goddard - TRU - All the fall students have found workplace placements. Subcommittee at TRU - a community forum at TRU asked for this subcommittee. We are a unique community with unique community needs (e.g. Kamloops is very different than Williams Lake). We want the WL campus to be re-defined (definition before changes occur). Looking for data and supporting information that could be used by this subcommittee to create this definition (e.g. employment stats). The CTC's Community Assessment report provided much required data. People also suggested talking to Mike Franklin, and Sharon Taylor.

Jay Goddard cont: All candidates forum with the assistance of a TRU Human Services student via the SPC is an idea that is recommended. The Provincial elections in BC take place in May.

Larry Stranberg -Community Futures - October is Small Business Month - there are weekly lunch & learn sessions (see updates). This Friday there will be a business walk.

George Atamanenko - Accessibility Committee is still working on taxi. George would also like to see changes to the transportation act requiring every community to have one. Regarding hospital renovations - 72 beds have been approved (goal is for more beds to be public rather than private).

Kathie Vilkas - Hospice is lucky to have a practicum student from TRU (see Jay's update) and the annual Memory Tree event is taking place on Dec 4th

Bruce Mack - CCPL - The CCPL AGM is taking place on Nov 18th (they are looking for new board members). Also, please check out "Internet for Good" initiative by Telus (affordable internet initiative).

Meeting was adjourned - next scheduled monthly meeting date will be announced.

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Contact Us

The Social Planning Council is made up of volunteers from the community. Many of us work in social services agencies or also volunteer for other organizations.

Our Mailing Address is Box 20045, Williams Lake BC V2G 4R1

To reach the Society Coordinator Jessica Dunn please email spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or call 250-243-2126

To reach the Communities that Care Project Facilitator Barb Jones please email communitiesthatcare.wl@gmail.com or call 250-305-4838

To reach the THRIVE Williams Lake Project Manager Anne Burrill please email annelburrill@gmail.com or call 250-267-7211

To reach the current SPC Chair Larry Stranberg please email happytrails@cfdccariboo.com or call 250-392-3626