Looking for help or resources?

Looking for help or resources? Visit BC211 at the following link http://www.bc211.ca

is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. Our help line services include 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS), the Problem Gambling Help Line, VictimLink BC, and the Youth Against Violence Line.

Want to sign-up for Community Update emails? Enter your email address HERE to start receiving the updates we post below directly to your inbox!

What is The Social Planning Council?


o Monthly Meetings: Attend meetings with guest speakers from within the community &/or presentations at each meeting. We currently meet the fourth Monday of every month (excluding summer) at City Hall with light lunch by donation.

o Facebook & Email Group: Utilize the network on Facebook. Start discussions, learn about & share upcoming community events, projects and meetings. If you don’t use Facebook, then join the email network instead.

o Inform City Council: The SPC provides reports to City Council regularly and the City keeps the SPC informed. Use the network and have your voices heard.

Strategic Direction of the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake & Area:

o Poverty Reduction and the local Living Wage Campaign.

o Community Collaboration and Networking.

o Retention and Succession of residents within the Area.

Community Social Planning:

o Supports communities in building an integrated approach to complex problems that take into account social, economic, and environmental concerns.

o Maximizes the effectiveness of often scarce resources by working to reduce duplication, overlap and competition.

o Provides an ongoing forum for communication, coordination and conflict resolution.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Community Updates - Mar 24, 2017

Please visit the link below for the following updates from around the community:
1) Monday Mar 27 is the next SPC Meeting - 11:30 - 1 pm
2) Communities that Care - Community Planning Session Apr 7
3) Bowl for Kids Sake - Big Brothers Big Sisters Fundraiser Mar 31, Apr 1 &2
4) Annual Nutrition Fun Run - Apr 9 at 11 am
5) NAME that festival competition - WLCBIA challenge (Mar 31 deadline)
6) Dry Grad Fashion Show - Tues Apr 11
7) End of Life Hospice Palliative Care Volunteer Training - Apr 27 - 29th
8) TICK TOCK find us a DOC - contest ends Mar 31
9) All Candidates Forum - Apr 20
10) Bingo Fundraiser at WLIB Mar 29
11) Accessibility Awards - nominations being accepted until Apr 28
12) Hike for Hospice - Sunday May 7 from 12 - 4 pm
13) CCACS request for proposals - First Nations Arts Outreach Program
14) Immigrant & Multicultural Services Society - staying open until June

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Feb 27, 2017 Monthly Meeting Minutes (draft)

Location: Boardroom at the downtown CMHA location at 51 North 4th Ave (across from Safeway). In attendance (from sign-in sheet): Carla Bullinger, Anne Burrill, Larry Stranberg, Kathie Vilkas, Diane Wright, Sharon Taylor and Jessica Dunn.

Accept Minutes & Agenda
During lunch we:
·   Reviewed meeting minutes from Jan 23, 2017
Motion to accept minutes as presented - MFSC
·   Reviewed meeting agenda for Feb 27, 2017
Motion to accept agenda as presented - MFSC

Presentation from the Communities that Care Program
Carla Bullinger and Anne Burrill presented some results from the CTC's 2016 Community Assessment Report from data collected in the second survey of the CTC program.

Highlights from the presentation:
Evidence based model for a community to engage in based in prevention science.
It is a roadmap that helps guide a community (outcome focused).
Extensive surveys (grades 6 - 12) in 2009, and now again in 2016.
Looking at research based predictors of problems for youth issues.
Over 20 predictive & protective factors are surveyed for.

CTC follows a specific process, and then chooses an evidence based program to address issues identified in the survey. Williams Lake was chosen as a pilot program City for CTC in 2009.

Locally, we implemented "Positive Action", and this second survey is an assessment six years later.

Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (6 - 12 grades - entire district)
70% response rate (over 1200 kids).
Anonymous and confidential
Multiple measures to screen out invalid surveys
Provides comparative data results between 2009 - 2016
Gives a snapshot in time

Comparative results from 2010 --> 2015:
Low Commitment to school 53% - 44% (9% better)
Parental attitudes favourable to anti-social behaviour and drug use (no significant change)
Early Initiative of antisocial behaviour (1) and drug use (2) 35 - 30 & 48 -38 (5% and 10%)
Community Laws and Norms 57 - 52 (5% better)
Fewer kids are high risk now (60 - 55%)
Improvement in high protection factors (60 - 67%)

The first survey lead to the evidence based prevention program, Positive Action because it can be used in schools, the community and families. It is a curriculum based program.

Aligning our work for collective impact: local Circle of Courage (poster), Glass Slippers, Youth Group, Building Resilient Learners framework/ Sense of Belonging Plans for each school (from SD#27 interest to tackle the low commitment to school factor).

Students now in grade 6 - 8 have had the most exposure to Positive Action and have also shown the greatest improvement.

Some other results:
14.2 -> 5.4 (attacked someone intending to hurt them)
7.5 -> 3.4 Gang involvement
21 -> 4 (binge drinking)
Grades 6 -9 improved, 10 - 12 did not improve (50%)  shoed Depressive symptoms

Children living in Poverty 20 is BC average (in WL it was 24->  28 now)
Early Childhood vulnerability of children in kindergarten 44% (BC is 32%)
20% of children in Williams Lake do not have an adult they can talk to

Priorities for the next year have been chosen with percentage goals

April 7th - Community Planning session (8:30 am - 1pm) to focus on depressive symptoms.

The view the entire reports (both 2010 and 2016), please visit School District No 27's website at http://www.sd27.bc.ca/healthy-schools-healthy-students/communities-that-care/

Choosing a Poverty Reduction focus
Discussion: choosing an indicator from the CTC community profile (such as Neighbourhood Attachment) to focus SPC efforts on; to explore bringing a successful evidence based program to our community to address the chosen focus with partner agencies and/or community groups.
This item was deferred to the next meeting when more members are present.

All Candidate's Forum
Request for the Social Planning Council to have two representatives work with committee organizing an all candidates forum.

A non-partisan committee has begun working following the BC2030 meetings held in our community.  They have requested reps from those people who participated in the BC2030 sessions.  At this point there are a few members from the Council of Canadians on the committee and they would appreciate assistance – whether as a SPC rep or rep for your own organization.

The framework for the forum will be unique.  The committee will select a few of the sustainable goals outlined below and have a speaker on the topic.  Each candidate will then be asked how they will address the issue.

There is some financial support for the forum from BC2030.  The Gibraltar room is tentatively booked for Apr 20, 2017. 

The next meeting is March 7 at 1:00 pm in the library meeting room.  You can contact Bette McLellan at 250-392-6423 for more information.

Action: Jessica will attend this meeting, and send more information out to the group (see below).

From BC2030 website: http://bccic.ca/bc2030/

BC 2030 is a non-partisan political campaign that looks to the UN Sustainable Development Goals as an opportunity for British Columbia to demonstrate provincial leadership on global issues.
The SDGs are a framework of 17 goals that aim to address the world’s environmental, social, economic, and security challenges. Unprecedented in nature, these new goals are:

-aspirational : challenging us to move past a business as usual mentality for seeking solutions
-interconnected and indivisible : recognizing that to truly be achieved, we cannot think of them  as existing in isolation from each other
-and universal : asserting that global issues transcend borders existing within all countries

The goals invite all people and all tiers of government to understand where they fit into a bigger picture.

For the first time, all countries, including Canada, will be required to provide updates on our progress to the rest of the world. British Columbia needs to look at how the issues we face locally fit in with our country’s progress. Now that Canada has committed to this global framework, British Columbia has a concrete role, connection, and mandate to contribute its fair toward achieving  these goals.

With communities around the province and world increasingly feeling the impacts of global issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change, BC 2030 recognizes the importance of moving to action as quickly as possible. The campaign focuses on our upcoming 2017 provincial election as a platform to explore this conversation in a provincial context and invite our political leaders to expand their thinking.

BC 2030 is an invitation to think differently. These goals are brand new and the world is still trying to figure out how to best go about achieving them. There is space and need right now for innovative leadership in Canada on what implementation of these goals looks like at a subnational level. British Columbia has an opportunity to be this leader.

View the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals on the UN web site listed below:

Roundtable Updates
Kathie Vilkas - Hospice
Hike for Hospice is going ahead this year (since 2005)
End of Life Hospice Training is taking place again in April. Note: people can still attend this training even if they cannot commit to volunteering.

Carla Bullinger - Workshop on sexual molestation is being organized for Williams Lake for this fall. March 1 at 1 pm at the WCS is the next planning session.
Anne Burrill - Housing First: homeless count taking place today (results by the end of March). This current program is winding down with the funding.
Larry Stranberg - Community Futures has partnered with Chamber of Commerce for workshops in September about how to sell (and buy) a business.
Sharon Taylor (IMSS) - see the Press Release sent out. The IMSS was notified that there office is being closed at the end of March.
Motion - the SPC will write a letter of support to the Minister, and cc to Todd Doherty.
Action - Jessica will draft letter and send to board for their review.

Meeting was adjourned. The next monthly meeting will be on Mar 27/17

Friday, March 10, 2017

Community Updates - Mar 10, 2017

Community Updates - Mar 10, 2017

Please see the link below for the following updates from around the community:

Table of Contents:
1) Performances in the Park Artist Applications 2017 - deadline extended
2) The Future of our Forests - sharing ideas and solutions Mar 16th at 7 pm
3) Press Release: Immigrant & Multicultural Services Society Office is closing it's doors
4) End of Life Hospice Palliative Care Volunteer Training - Apr 27 - 29th
5) Bowl for Kids Sake - Big Brothers Big Sisters Fundraiser Mar 31, Apr 1 &2
6) Yoga - for self regulation and trauma - begins Mar 30
7) Communities that Care - Positive Action Words of the Week(s)
8) TRU's Annual Fundraising Gala - get your tickets for the Apr 8, 2017 event
9) Supporting our Families: "Take a break" - CMHA free support group meets monthly
10) Tales and Trails - hands on learning at SINC
11) "Preschool Wheels" activities in Rink 2 - during April
12) Communities that Care - 2016 Williams Lake Community Profile
13) Free Public Skate - Mar 19
14) Spring Break at the Recreation Complex
15) Advance Notice - Hike for Hospice will take place May 7
16) Help us figure out what happened - CCACS Workshop Series
17) Mark your calendars - Next SPC Meeting
18) Secwepemc Elders Forum - Mar 28 & 29

Visit http://cm.pn/2j4r for these updates.

Contact Us

The Social Planning Council is made up of volunteers from the community. Many of us work in social services agencies or also volunteer for other organizations.

Our Mailing Address is Box 20045, Williams Lake BC V2G 4R1

To reach the Society Coordinator Jessica Dunn please email spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or call 250-243-2126

To reach the Communities that Care Project Facilitator Barb Jones please email communitiesthatcare.wl@gmail.com or call 250-305-4838

To reach the THRIVE Williams Lake Project Manager Anne Burrill please email annelburrill@gmail.com or call 250-267-7211

To reach the current SPC Chair Larry Stranberg please email happytrails@cfdccariboo.com or call 250-392-3626