Looking for help or resources?

Looking for help or resources? Visit BC211 at the following link http://www.bc211.ca

is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. Our help line services include 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS), the Problem Gambling Help Line, VictimLink BC, and the Youth Against Violence Line.

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What is The Social Planning Council?


o Monthly Meetings: Attend meetings with guest speakers from within the community &/or presentations at each meeting. We currently meet the fourth Monday of every month (excluding summer) at City Hall with light lunch by donation.

o Facebook & Email Group: Utilize the network on Facebook. Start discussions, learn about & share upcoming community events, projects and meetings. If you don’t use Facebook, then join the email network instead.

o Inform City Council: The SPC provides reports to City Council regularly and the City keeps the SPC informed. Use the network and have your voices heard.

Strategic Direction of the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake & Area:

o Poverty Reduction and the local Living Wage Campaign.

o Community Collaboration and Networking.

o Retention and Succession of residents within the Area.

Community Social Planning:

o Supports communities in building an integrated approach to complex problems that take into account social, economic, and environmental concerns.

o Maximizes the effectiveness of often scarce resources by working to reduce duplication, overlap and competition.

o Provides an ongoing forum for communication, coordination and conflict resolution.

Monday, September 13, 2010

United Way 2010 Community Funds for the Central Cariboo

The Thompson Nicola Cariboo United Way is welcoming applications for their 2010 United Way Community Funding for the Central Cariboo anytime between now and October 15th. Please contact Francy Hayward for more information at francy@unitedwaytnc.ca or by calling 250-372-9933.

CTC Update - June 2010

A monthly networking conference call has been set up with other regions in B.C. who are implementing the CTC model. These include Prince George, Kelowna, Victoria, Terrace, Squamish, Williams Lake and Anahim Lake.

The youth engagement working group gave three separate presentations to the youth at Noopa, WL Secondary School and Columneetza. Valuable feedback was received from the youth survey results and strategies to address our priority risk and protective factors.

Williams Lake:
June 14 – Community Board meeting. Jan Fitchner gave a presentation on the Sense of Belonging Plan; Work groups are being developed for Community outreach, evaluation feedback and the Action Plan report; Potential EB programs were discussed and recommendations to implement Positive Action and Roots of Empathy were agreed upon.

June 16 – Key Leader Board meeting. Agenda items included discussion of the recommended programs, Implementation training, project timeline, engaging more community members and communication with the Key Leader Board. The roles of the City and SPC were also clarified. The next meeting will be August 17th.

Anahim Lake:
The Community Board met on June 3rd. A project update was given along with a presentation of the Positive Action and Parenting Wisely program materials.

Carrie and Terra met with Jim Rowse – Acting Principal of Anahim Lake School to discuss implementation of the Positive Action program, and the need to hire a Co-ordinator to implement the program in three schools.

A letter requesting approval for increased TA hours was sent to key members of the School District Staff. The request was approved for 5 hours/week to assist in the implementation of the Positive Action program.

The Parenting Wisely training scheduled for June 4 – 5 was postponed due to the trainer going on a sudden sick leave. Carrie has been in communication with the Parenting Wisely head office to discuss other training possibilities.

Contact Us

The Social Planning Council is made up of volunteers from the community. Many of us work in social services agencies or also volunteer for other organizations.

Our Mailing Address is Box 20045, Williams Lake BC V2G 4R1

To reach the Society Coordinator Jessica Dunn please email spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or call 250-243-2126

To reach the Communities that Care Project Facilitator Barb Jones please email communitiesthatcare.wl@gmail.com or call 250-305-4838

To reach the THRIVE Williams Lake Project Manager Anne Burrill please email annelburrill@gmail.com or call 250-267-7211

To reach the current SPC Chair Larry Stranberg please email happytrails@cfdccariboo.com or call 250-392-3626