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is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. Our help line services include 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS), the Problem Gambling Help Line, VictimLink BC, and the Youth Against Violence Line.

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What is The Social Planning Council?


o Monthly Meetings: Attend meetings with guest speakers from within the community &/or presentations at each meeting. We currently meet the fourth Monday of every month (excluding summer) at City Hall with light lunch by donation.

o Facebook & Email Group: Utilize the network on Facebook. Start discussions, learn about & share upcoming community events, projects and meetings. If you don’t use Facebook, then join the email network instead.

o Inform City Council: The SPC provides reports to City Council regularly and the City keeps the SPC informed. Use the network and have your voices heard.

Strategic Direction of the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake & Area:

o Poverty Reduction and the local Living Wage Campaign.

o Community Collaboration and Networking.

o Retention and Succession of residents within the Area.

Community Social Planning:

o Supports communities in building an integrated approach to complex problems that take into account social, economic, and environmental concerns.

o Maximizes the effectiveness of often scarce resources by working to reduce duplication, overlap and competition.

o Provides an ongoing forum for communication, coordination and conflict resolution.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

AGM - Nov 22, 2010

Our AGM is scheduled for November 22, 11:00 am – 2 pm, City Hall.

This is an important meeting for the future direction of the Social Planning Council.

RSVP to spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or (1)-250-243-2126 is appreciated but not required.

CTC Update - Oct 25, 2010

Communities that Care (CTC) Program Update
Monday October 25, 2010

October 2010

Williams Lake:
1)Telephone conference call with Carol Allred – Founder of Positive Action.

2)Meeting with Jan Fichtner and Jay Goddard to discuss school/partnership involvement and implementation plan for Positive Action.

3)Purchased Positive Action materials for all three schools in Williams Lake.

4)Meeting with Youth Engagement working group. Discussion included: a) Art projects in the community to address the risk factor: Low neighbourhood attachment b) Facebook page to inform community on youth activities and other youth related information and c) Fundraising ideas for the leadership graduating class.

5)October 13 – 15 Roots of Empathy training: a) Six new instructors were trained for Williams Lake and area. Schools implementing ROE are: Mountview, 150 Mile, Cataline, Skyline, Chilcotin Road, Nesika, Kwaleen, Horsefly, Marie Sharpe and Glendale and b) Instructor for Anahim Lake was trained and will be moving to Williams Lake after receiving a job offer. Rana Grace was able to secure funding for another instructor in AL and she will be trained in Vancouver November 8, 9, 10th.

6)Meeting with Funding working group to discuss CTC budget. Decisions on how to spend the remaining Program Resource funds will be discussed at the CTC Board meeting on October 27th.

7)October 26th – Presentation to City Council updating SPC and CTC progress.

8)October 27th – CTC Board meeting. Agenda items: a) Review and celebrate CTC accomplishments to date, b) Update existing sub-committees and progress of Positive Action, c) Refocus and prioritize tasks related to program implementation, evaluation and sustainability, and d) Delegate priority tasks.

Anahim Lake:
1)Kevin McLennan - Principal of AL School will be doing his research for his Masters in Counselling on Positive Action and assisting the evaluation process.

2)Have received positive feedback and outcomes from Positive Action in all three schools. The K-1 class at Nagwuntl’oo school will be implementing the program at a bronze level due to staff turnover.

3)Positive Action Climate kits were introduced and have been very successful.

4)A youth arts project to paint murals is planned for November, as part of a youth engagement initiative.

5)October 22 – Health and Wellness Fair. Terra will be presenting a slideshow on Community U-Turn and Positive Action.

6)Adopt a youth program will start up this month.

7)October 28th – Community Board meeting.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sept 27, 2010 Meeting Updates

1) The SPC is presenting to City Council on October 26th. Carrie Sundahl and Michael Lucas will be presenting on the CTC project, and Jay will present other initiatives of the SPC including Access Williams Lake and Food Policy Council projects. The SPC table also wants to hear Council’s feedback.

2) Food Policy Council Update - The City of Williams Lake recently passed community garden policy and granted the FPC the ability to lease city land at the bottom of Carson Drive for a 16000 square foot community garden plot.

3) CTC update (July & August: Discussions – it is now the time to move forward to ensure programs continue after the CTC Program in Williams Lake comes to an end. The different boards are being combined to make efforts more effective. The CTC project goals from this point forward is to become a jumping start for ongoing initiatives within both communities.

Contact Us

The Social Planning Council is made up of volunteers from the community. Many of us work in social services agencies or also volunteer for other organizations.

Our Mailing Address is Box 20045, Williams Lake BC V2G 4R1

To reach the Society Coordinator Jessica Dunn please email spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or call 250-243-2126

To reach the Communities that Care Project Facilitator Barb Jones please email communitiesthatcare.wl@gmail.com or call 250-305-4838

To reach the THRIVE Williams Lake Project Manager Anne Burrill please email annelburrill@gmail.com or call 250-267-7211

To reach the current SPC Chair Larry Stranberg please email happytrails@cfdccariboo.com or call 250-392-3626